work lights factory

You’re in the right place for work lights factory.By now you already know that, whatever you are looking for, you’re sure to find it on Sunshinelux.we guarantee that it’s here on Sunshinelux.
Strict quality inspection for Sunshinelux will be conducted by the QC team. The inspection aims to make sure all the stitching and seaming are consistent and symmetrical, the top fly is straight, the seal is tight and tidy, and the lines are uniform. .
We aim to provide the highest quality work lights factory.for our long-term customers and we will actively cooperate with our customers to offer effective solutions and cost benefits.
  • Sunshinelux - High bay Light Supplier China Lighting 100W/150W/200W/240W
    Sunshinelux - High bay Light Supplier China Lighting 100W/150W/200W/240W
    This high bay light is a new product independently developed and designed by us. It adopts diamond face design, which is stylish, beautiful and smooth.We adopt aluminum die casting ADC12 material for die castingLumens: Using high-brightness Sanan 2835mil chip lamp beads, we can achieve 130lm/w, 150lm/w, 170lm/w, 190lm/w, and even 210lm/w for the whole lampDrivers: Conventionally, we use Lifud, Sosen, Philips and other brand drivers with 5 yearsPower adjustment: If we use the Lifud brand drive, we can adjust the power, it is a dial adjustment, and the power selection has 100%-80%-60% power selectionColor temperature adjustment: Our model can be made to adjust the color temperature, which is a dial adjustment. The color temperature options are 3000K-4000K-5000K, and can be made into 4000K-5000K-6000K
  • Sunshinelux - Quality Wholesale LED Work Light 50w 80w 100w with Socket
    Sunshinelux - Quality Wholesale LED Work Light 50w 80w 100w with Socket
    Very professional and fashionable appearance, we have Chinese patent of this Work light. The product design, product development and production, are all our own. We are confident that you will love it.
Just tell us your requirements, we can do more than you can imagine.

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